London sweet London

London (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

I live here from about a while with my friends. And I never seen a city like London in this way…

What way?

Are you curious? Well, I mean in the way Mattia Bicchi‘s seen London with his eyes, with his job, a wonderful video about our London sweet London.

You can hate London because it’s too rainy, you can love London because you feel free and secure, you can love because you’re in the center of the World, but surely I’m a bit scared by this city.

London sweet London has a lot of faces. And just living here you can try to look for them, you can find them, but, at the end, if you live here there will be a reason, maybe a very special one, or simple because you were here one day and you said yourself: «Well, I’d like to be here, surely better than any other place, maybe». That maybe make you fall in love with the city… Don’t you think?

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La luna: vista da lontano

La luna desde Venecia
La luna desde Venecia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Stamane leggevo l’articolo “La luna: vista da lontano“. E ho sempre pensato che noi vediamo sempre un solo lato della Luna, uno solo, sempre quello sì.

E ognuno di noi alzando gli occhi al cielo può vederlo, specie di sera, chiaramente se non abbiamo le nubi che ne occludono il guado.

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